Welcome to another episode of No More Excuses!
In today's episode, I talk about something near and dear to my heart—a business tune-up. You heard me right. It's time to get your business leaner, stronger, and ready to kick some serious ass!
We all know the importance of keeping our body's in shape, right? And every Summer, we get bombarded with get your body in “beach-body / bathing suit shape”, but what about our businesses? They need some love and attention too!
So, today, I talk about how to give your business the tune-up it deserves.
And this isn’t just for those of you who feel your business is flat or there’s something wrong! Many of you are physically healthy and in good shape, and also want to stay there or perhaps get a little stronger or fitter, right?
Today I share some stories, and give you tips on how to do a business tune-up.
ALSO: I’d love to hear from you! What topics do you want to know more about or questions do you have that I can touch on?
Email me: sandi@sandiballard.com
AND THEN YES, speaking of investing in your growth, if you'd like help, sign up for my "Summer Business Shape-Up" 6 Week Program. I have a SPECIAL price for podcast listeners! [CLICK HERE!]
I hope you're feeling inspired to give your business the tune-up it deserves and take it to new heights of success.
No matter how your business is doing, there's always room to grow! And, sometimes, we're too close to the situation to see what's "really" going on.
No purchase required. No hard sales pitch afterward. Want more? THEN we'll talk!