More About Sandi

  • A mom and step-monster,
  • A creative [Yes, I went to art school!],
  • That friend who knows where the bodies are buried,
  • An author, speaker and DiSC® Certified Facilitator!
  • A HUGE foodie – and now have my own hot sauce! Check it out!
  • And, most importantly... I AM THE BADASS BUSINESS COACH!
How did I get that title? Years ago a client said to me, "Sandi, you really help bring out the badassness in people, you're the BADASS Business Coach!" And, it stuck!

I've been an Entrepreneur since I was 25 years old. I love continuing to educate myself and, as your coach, I will help guide and teach you as well. I will be your CHEERLEADER, your VOICE OF REASON and, yes I'll KICK your ASS into gear when you need it!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE WHAT I DO! I listen to all the stories – good and bad – the confusion, the muck, the frustration, the "WHY THE HELL DID I DO THIS"? and the "OMG WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG?" I jokingly say, "I wear pointy shoes and carry a whip!"

As an Entrepreneur, I've made SO MANY STUPID MISTAKES! I'm here to share my stories, experience and experiences with you, and help you not make the same ones I did! AND, to help you see what YOU and sometimes others don't... that you ARE a BADASS!

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Welcome to the No More Excuses Podcast Page!

Podcast #414: How Confident Are You?

Podcast #414: How Confident Are You?
In this latest episode of "No More Excuses," Sandi Ballard, The BA Biz Coach, explores "The Confidence Blueprint for Business Success." Confidence is essential for propelling your business forward, and Sandi provides actionable steps to build unshakable self-belief that you can project to clients, partners, and your team. Listen in to discover how continuing to learn, celebrating small wins, and viewing failure as a learning opportunity are central to achieving success.

Sandi emphasizes that confidence is more than an internal feeling—it’s about your external presentation through body language, clear communication, and a strong support network. She discusses practical tips to help you maintain and grow your confidence, even during challenging times. Keep these strategies in mind to navigate the inevitable highs and lows of your business journey.

Whether you're reflecting on your own confidence levels or helping others build theirs, Sandi's insights offer invaluable support. Stay updated with her content on social media and share your own experiences with confidence in the comments or via email. Tune in to take concrete steps to bolster your confidence and achieve your business goals today. [Click to Listen!](

Podcast #413: How Has Fear F#CKED You?

Podcast #413: How Has Fear F#CKED You?
Welcome back to another episode of the No More Excuses podcast, where we dive deep into personal and professional growth, sharing stories and tips to help you run your business like a true badass. In this episode, I revisit my journey from being paralyzed by fear to transforming my wishes into actionable goals, as shared in my first book, "From There to Here." I realized that fear was the main obstacle holding me back, and it was time to set it aside to achieve my dreams.

The podcast focuses on identifying and understanding the root causes of fear and how it can inhibit goal achievement. We delve into the tough questions you need to ask yourself to clarify your current situation and future aspirations. It's about reflecting on whether you'd be content and without regrets if today were your last day, and taking actionable steps toward those realizations.

If you're ready to move past fear and take control of your life, tune in to this episode. For those seeking more in-depth guidance, I am offering two free group DEEP DIVE sessions and discounted private sessions to help you set and achieve your goals. Don't let fear hold you back any longer; seize the opportunity to transform your life and business today.

Podcast #412: Are You Happy Where You Are Today?

Podcast #412: Are You Happy Where You Are Today?
In today's motivational podcast episode, the journey from stagnation to success is explored. The discussion begins with a pivotal moment in 2012 when a mentor's direct challenge at a holiday party prompted a deep reflection on unfulfilled goals and the lack of a concrete plan. This moment of clarity led to the creation of a structured path to achieve personal and professional aspirations in 2013.

The podcast emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and proactive steps in rediscovering one's path and gaining confidence. The story serves as a powerful reminder that celebrating others' successes is valuable, but it is equally crucial to pursue and celebrate one's own achievements. Listeners are encouraged to consider their current positions and take action towards their goals.

Additionally, the episode promotes a book that details this transformative journey and offers resources for those seeking guidance. For personalized support, listeners are invited to schedule a free consultation. Tune in to gain insights on overcoming inertia and crafting a fulfilling life plan.

Podcast #411: Are You Persistent or a Pain In the Ass?

Podcast #411: Are You Persistent or a Pain In the Ass?
In today’s episode of the No More Excuses podcast, we delve into the art of being persistent without crossing the line. Persistence is vital for success, but it’s important to be assertive yet respectful to avoid annoying those around you. Explore actionable steps to make that call, send that email, or even mail a card—efficiently and courteously.

The balance between determination and overstepping boundaries is crucial. Learn from real-life examples of how persistence can lead to lucrative opportunities and lasting friendships. Discover top tips on verbiage for following up and the optimal times and frequency to ensure your efforts are effective without being overbearing.

Persistence can pay off, even when faced with being ghosted. By being polite, professional, and adding value, you can navigate the fine line of persistence. Listen for valuable tips on how to follow up and share your experiences with persistence, both successes and becoming a pain in the ass.

Podcast #410: How Do You Build Mental Toughness?

Podcast #410: How Do You Build Mental Toughness?
In today's episode of "No More Excuses," we explore the vital concept of mental toughness—your ability to persevere through challenging circumstances. Why is mental toughness so important? It’s a foundational element for success in all areas of life and can be cultivated through consistent effort and dedication.

Building mental toughness requires actionable strategies, and this episode offers concrete steps to help you face any challenge head-on. The discussion includes a powerful story of a client who had to rapidly develop mental toughness to survive significant life changes and rebuild her career. This journey illustrates the immense rewards that come with enhancing your mental resilience.

Tune in to learn how you can nurture your own mental toughness and tackle obstacles with newfound strength. If you find the insights helpful, share them with a friend who might need some motivation. Visit our [podcast page]( to download these tips or save the link for future listening.

Podcast #409: Holy Shit, It's "Already" June!?

Podcast #409: Holy Shit, It's "Already" June!?
Welcome to another episode of the No More Excuses Podcast! With June already here, it’s time to take a hard look at where you stand with your goals. Whether you’re celebrating great progress or feeling like you’ve lost your way, now is the perfect moment to reassess and push forward.

In today's episode, you’ll learn five crucial steps to help you refocus: revisit your goals, set short-term milestones, create a schedule, hold yourself accountable, and reflect and adjust. This thorough review covers both personal and professional aspirations and aims to set you up for success for the rest of the year.

Tune in for an in-depth discussion and real-life client stories on how these strategies have led to remarkable progress. If you need additional support, feel free to email or schedule a one-off 60-minute session. No more excuses—let’s make the second half of the year count!

Podcast #408: Is Your Business in "Summer-Body" Shape?

Podcast #408: Is Your Business in "Summer-Body" Shape?
Welcome to a world where your business can become as fit and tuned as your summer beach body! In today's insight-packed episode, the focus is on unleashing the full potential of your business, making it leaner, stronger, and more prepared to conquer challenges. Just like our bodies need regular health check-ups and tune-ups to stay in prime shape, our businesses demand similar attention and care to thrive in the competitive market.

This discourse is not reserved for businesses that are currently struggling or facing obstacles; it extends to those that are operating smoothly yet yearn for enhancement and peak performance. Sharing personal anecdotes and practical tips, the episode guides you through the nuances of performing a comprehensive business tune-up. For those interested in diving deeper, a visit to the website offers additional resources, including a downloadable list crafted to assist you in this journey.

Fueling your entrepreneurial spirit, the conversation also opens up a channel for feedback and further curiosity, inviting topics and questions for future exploration. Moreover, for individuals seeking a more structured path to revitalizing their business, there's an exclusive opportunity to join a "Summer Business Shape-Up" program tailored specifically for podcast listeners. Embrace this chance to elevate your business with expert guidance and start your journey towards unparalleled success.

Podcast #407: If a 16 Year Old Can Do It...

Podcast #407: If a 16 Year Old Can Do It...
Welcome to an inspiring episode of No More Excuses, where today's spotlight shines on an exceptional young individual, Jack, known originally as Zhenia from Ukraine. This episode stands out as we explore how Jack, a typical teenager entangled in the all-too-familiar web of lethargy and excuses, made a dramatic shift in his mindset amidst the backdrop of a global pandemic and a war in his country. His tale is not just one of overcoming adversity but a powerful testament to the capacity for transformative change that lies within us all.

Jack's journey from waking up in the afternoon and attributing his stagnation to external circumstances to becoming a beacon of resilience and determination is nothing short of remarkable. This transformation underscores the episode's core message: the importance of changing one’s mindset to overcome life's hurdles. His story is a vivid illustration that excuses hold us back, while action propels us forward, showcasing the profound impact of a changed perspective.

This episode invites listeners to stop making excuses and start taking action by following Jack's lead. His accomplishments, achieved in a relatively short period, reflect the incredible potential that lies in the power of refusing to let circumstances define us. Join us to get inspired by Jack’s journey of personal growth and the enduring message that if he can do it, so can you.
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